Classroom Information

Classroom Information

School Handbook
It is extremely important that you read the handbook.  It is filled with valuable information for the school year and will answer any questions that you may have.  You can access school information by visiting the district website at and looking under the Our Schools tab for the Memorial School.

Name Tags
Please have your child wear the teddy bear name tag for the first week of school.  The tags assist children and staff in getting students to proper classrooms and buses.

Each child will need a bag in order to organize and safely deliver home all of their important accomplishments.  Please label the bag with your child's name and make sure the bag is large enough to carry all of your child's belongings.

Please label any item that your child brings to school, including all removable clothing, boots etc.

Children should bring one small healthy snack and drink to school each day.  We will be having snack in the morning. Please have your child's snack separate from their lunch so that they can put it in their classroom cubby when they arrive in the morning.  Lunchboxes will stay out in the hallway cubbies.

*****Please let me know if your child has food allergies*****

Children can bring lunch from home or buy lunch at school.  The Medfield Public Schools now offer mySchoolBucks, a convenient and secure online payment, and parent information portal.  With mySchoolBucks you can deposit money into one or more student accounts, track purchase history, create low-balance reminders and even set-up an automatically recurring payment.  Hot lunch is $2.75 for elementary school and milk is .50 cents.

Quiet/Rest Time
Full day kindergarten will have quiet/rest time every day. Children will need to bring in a labeled towel or small blanket which will be sent home periodically to be cleaned.  I purchased plastic bags for every child to place their blanket or towel in while they are at school.

Your child should be prepared to join in the fun of outdoor recess every day.  Jackets or sweatshirts are needed for cool days, sturdy shoes for running and climbing are a must, and mittens, hats, boots and snow pants will be necessary as winter weather arrives.  If you are not sure of the weather stick an extra sweater in your child's bag.

We will have Gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please have your child wear sneakers and comfortable clothing on these days.  Teacher- Mr. Grace

Please send in a large shirt or an oversized T-shirt to be used as a smock.  Please label it at the collar with your child's name and place in a Ziploc bag with your child's name.  Art will be on Mondays.
Teacher-Mr. Knaus

Library and Health will alternate every Wednesday.  If your child checks out a book from the library, it can be returned any day by dropping it off in the classroom library basket.  All books should be returned within two weeks of the date they were checked out.  Librarian-Mrs.  Farrahar
Health Teacher-Mrs. Gelinas

Our class will have Music every Friday.  Teacher-Mr. Ruggiero

Please use Dismissal Manager to update/change your child's dismissal plan. Review with your child each morning their plan for dismissal and have them repeat it back to you.

We will be celebrating the children's birthdays in the classroom by having every child make a page for a class birthday book that will go home with your child that day.  We ask that no birthday treats be sent in nor should birthday invitations be handed out in school.

After the school year begins and the children have settled into the routine we will be having classroom volunteers.  It may be to help at a center or to be a "Mystery Reader". Before volunteering at Memorial you must submit a C.O.R.I. to the school. Forms are available in the front office.  The PTO will be assigning room parents separately.

Class List
After the school year begins we will be putting together a class list with addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.  This list is optional for families.

Kindergarten Homework Practices
Homework is an opportunity for children to practice at home what they are learning at school. Homework should be meaningful and take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. The kindergarten team feels that our youngest learners benefit the most from reading with and to caregivers. Beginning in January, reading will be the homework priority for all kindergartners. The children will bring home books from their classroom libraries that are just right for them to read. For further practice, he or she may also participate in the RAZ Kids reading online program which can be utilized at home. Please note that when appropriate, your child’s teacher will have the discretion to change the reading assignment for a particular day to support the learning that is occurring in the classroom. More specific information will be provided from your child’s classroom teacher prior to January.

Communication   ****Email is the best way to reach me.****
Please email me at school at pgrace@email.medfield .net if you have any questions or concerns.

I hope you find this information helpful.  I look forward to working with you and your child this year!

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